New Years Resolutions and Planning

I have not ever really been one for New Years resolutions. I also have not ever been one to have annual plan or idea for my year. This year, I am trying something different. Between the Masters Program and our Convene group, the idea of planning has been a major topic. I don’t quite know why everyone does it only at the end of the year but since its something everyone has been doing, I thought I would start this year and see how it goes.

The areas that I am planning on working on are in multiple areas of my life. I intend on moving forward in my family, marriage, faith, physical, finances, work and leadership. Each of my resolutions or plans for 2015 fit into those separate areas. Its been a great exercise to dream about where I intend on going. As we all find out from time to time, without a direction, you will never get to where you want to go. I have written down each of the goals and plan on working through them here on the blog. I will try and work through them and provide an update as I succeed and fail while I work through the different items.

What goals and plans do you have for 2015?

First Personal Blog Post

I know everyone does this but I have set a goal to write 2 blog posts per week in 2015.  Just trying to get around to this whole idea of publishing my ideas and thoughts on life on the web.  Who knows where it will go.

I have been journaling for almost a year on a personal basis but wonder if I can get my thoughts outside of my PC, if they will resonate with anyone.  The idea for the blog is to publish some of my thoughts on faith, family and work.